
You can also choose to pay in 4 easy payments of £111, via PayPal invoice sent to your email.
1st installment is due once you order, then the 2-4th invoices will be due on the same date the following months.
Click the link below to fill and send in the form, if you want to use this option:
Payment Plan Form

If you have a Bonus-Code that makes you eligible for a 1-to-1 "tailored-for-you" Mentoring session in Psychic Development, you add the service to your cart by pressing the "Buy Now" button below and to the right, then add the Bonus-code at the bottom of the checkout page, which will then adjust the price back to the original amount.

When you buy this Masterclass, you agree to the Terms of Service and Payment.
Click the link below to view them - it will open in a new tab, so you easily can come back to this page to revisit the details and make your order :-), I am looking forward to teaching you and taking you on this Journey!
Terms of Service and Payment

If you want to read all the details on what you will get before, during and after this Powerful Masterclass, Click Here, or alternatively click on the email link below, and I will send you the pamphlet as a pdf-file, if that suits you better :-) azita@essenzadivina.com